The mission of the school is to offer new, quasi-private university opportunities at high tech hometown sites with affordable, sustainable, enhanced uses to cultivate compassionate, world class, student-centered, Veteran-friendly learning, teaching and research.

"Imagine the amazing untapped leadership potential of our future students who are the stars of tomorrow. As they learn, they will instill in us a sense of strength that will inspire others to succeed despite daunting odds in life. That is our sincere hope for the Veterans and others served by this effort."
-Jeffrey G. Nutt, J.D., One University of the Americas Fund President
The university vision to form an educational corporation is under development. With the help of a one-of-a-kind combination of scholars and other stakeholders, the educational corporation is expected to be launched with a 2-year college that has the potential to become a research institution. Through learning and teaching opportunities, sincere concern and practical support Veterans of war and others will learn to succeed despite life-challenging obstacles.

One University of the Americas™ will train the youth of the Americas and mid-career students through a unified yet interdisciplinary educational community at scattered sites. The school shall educate potentially marginalized yet talented Veterans and others, without regard to race, creed, gender or national origin at green, open-gated facilities which are certified for their Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design ("LEED"). One University of the Americas™ is a trademark of One University of the Americas Fund, a Michigan non-profit corporation.


The mission of the university fund is to make survivors of the post-9/11 wars and the War on Poverty effort "higher education ready."

The 501(c)(3) non-profit university fund seeks to remove educational, legal and related barriers for Veterans and other potentially fragile yet gifted populations. Those served through education and advocacy "readiness initiatives" improve their quality of life and inspire others to realize their dreams. Persons served are principally those who have survived two types of wars: the post-9/11 wars and the well-intentioned War on Poverty effort, started more than 40 years ago. The university fund works with all stakeholders to ensure that each participant achieves self-determination through meaningful education and action. In the process, each Veteran or other participant learns how to advocate for themselves and to become an inspiration -- not a casualty of transition.

"An educated person is not necessarily a university person, but a person with certain subtle spiritual qualities that make him happy when alone, calm in adversity, just in his dealings, rational and sane in all the affairs of life." - Author Unknown